2021 Ofsted Report

In July 2021 Abacus was inspected by Ofsted

Abacus was found to be a “Good” fostering agency, here are some of the comments from the report which is available from the Ofsted website to read in full.

“Assessments of foster carers are thorough and of a good standard. They are analytical and give an accurate reflection of the foster carer’s strengths and areas for development”.

“Good-quality assessments of foster carers ensure that they are suitable to foster and are well matched to children. This means that children are cared for by foster carers who have the knowledge and skills to care for them. This also promotes placement stability”.

“Supervising social workers hold regular supervision with foster carers. This keeps the social workers up to date and informed about children’s needs. Children have opportunities to share their views on the care they receive. However, children have not been supported to access and contribute to their records. This is a missed opportunity to involve children meaningfully in their care planning and to obtain their views”.

“Foster carers were overwhelmingly positive about the support they receive from supervising social workers and the management team. This support has continued throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Foster carers reported that staff are always. available for advice. This provides stability in placements and helps foster carers cope with challenging situations”.

“Foster carers are well prepared for the challenges that fostering children can bring. There is a comprehensive range of training opportunities, including essential courses such as safeguarding and first aid. In addition, the manager and staff team are quick to provide additional supervision, training, and support to carers when the need arises. This ensures that foster carers have the skills to care for children”.

How do I foster?

Get in touch to learn how Abacus can help you with fostering.