Carer Transfer

About the Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol

Transfer of Foster Carers Protocol England and Wales 2012 is developed and approved by the Fostering Network. The main principals of the Fostering Network Transfer Protocol are that children’s welfare remains paramount, that foster carers have the freedom to move to a different provider and that fostering services should be actively recruiting new people to foster.


Children playing together

Transfer to Abacus Fostering

Abacus Fostering works within the TFCP. If you are thinking of transferring, please contact us to arrange an initial discussion about the process and how we can support you.

When foster carers transfer to Abacus Fostering we aim to;

  • Follow the TFCP guidance on maintaining continuity of care for children in placement.
  • Guide and support you in the process ensuring that you have a positive experience of transferring providers.
  • Act quickly and responsively to minimise any delay.
  • We will meet your existing financial package and support needs ensuring that there is continuity of service.

Call us today for more information on transferring to Abacus Fostering.

Want to know more about fostering?

Get in touch to learn how Abacus can help you with fostering.