Matching Children and Young People to Foster Carers

At Abacus Fostering we believe in careful matching between children and young people and our foster carers. We will always consult with you about prospective placements and will always advocate that there should be an initial meeting to give children/young people and foster carers the opportunity to meet before a placement. Occasionally, there are emergency situations, where a placement is needed urgently. You will always be consulted in this eventuality.

As a result, we have written some answered some FAQs which we often get asked about the foster care matching process 


What if the child/ren don't like us?

In most circumstances, children will have an opportunity to meet with you and your family to test out how you all find each other. We also consider personalities, any other children living with you and what your family life is like to ensure that any children that come to you are well-matched.

How will I know what the child/ren's routine is and what they like?

We usually have the opportunity to find out about children. Sometimes you may be able to speak with the current foster carer to find out about them or the Social Worker might give us details on what their routine has been at home.

Who will transport the child/ren to school?

The school journey is part of the fostering task. As part of the matching process, we will find out what school the child attends and discuss the transport arrangements with you. We try to match with this in mind ensuring that the child does not have too long to travel to school.

Want to know more about fostering?

Get in touch to learn how Abacus can help you with fostering.